April News


Reading by Addison: In reading we have been planning on how we are going to present our narrative nonfiction. So ways you can present are: A doc, Slides, Puppet show, Picture book, cartoon strips, Movie, poem, theaters, and puppet pals. We have also been peer conferencing so we can edit what we wrote.

Math by Noor: This week in math the Chittenden Challengers have been doing fraction word problems, long division problems, and on Xtramath practicing multiplication and division math problems and lastly working in math books. We took our unit 6 math test. We have been doing hard fraction problems. This week, we are finishing doing cooking with fractions problems. The students have been working hard on the fractions problems and multiplying fractions and subtracting fractions and adding whole fractions numbers together. After vacation we will be continuing practicing fractions in math. Have the best vacation!

Writing by Darlene: Over the past few weeks the Challengers have picked topics to research. We have been doing opinion writing and getting peer feedback from students in the classroom. We have been working hard and been making lots of progress.

Social Studies by Jacey: This week in social studies, we were learning about the state house(because we are going there in the end of May). We received coloring packets that teach you what the state symbols are, like, the pinetree, deer, read clover,and the Morgan horse.

Upcoming dates to Remember by Mrs. C 🙂 

Week of May 6th: SBAC– no homework this week. 

Permission Slip and field trip information coming home next week. 

May 28th- Field Trip to State House & Historical Society

May 30th– Field Trip to Rock of Ages & Ben & Jerry’s

June 3rd– Field Trip to Shelburne Museum