April Updates

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a safe and fun April break! Here are some classroom and MBS updates:

U.A. Calendar: This week we have Music on Monday and Thursday  & P.E. on Tuesday and Friday.  I will be sharing an updated calendar (including Wednesdays’ schedule as soon as I get an updated version.)

Kindness Week: MBS will be celebrating kindness week.

Our Spirit Days include:

Tuesday is wear yellow and blue (the colors of kindness and MBS,) Thursday is dress up as someone you admire/ a superhero day, and Friday is Wacky for Kindness Day: wear mismatched shoes or outfits in the spirit of kindness.

Chittenden Challengers got a head start showing their kindness to our 3rd graders by creating good luck cards and rocks for them to “Rock the SBAC.” They did a great job writing kind messages of encouragement.

Challengers will be taking the SBAC the week of May 3rd (Reading) and 10th (Math.) We will be asking students to keep chromebooks in school these 2 weeks so they can be charged for assessments. Remote work on May 5th will be only the take home packet with no morning message or read aloud.  Students will be in class Wednesday the 12th.



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