Sugar Shake Lab, Spirit Week, and Presentations

Challengers participated in the Sugar Shake Lab. In this lab sugar cubes represent rocks and we explored how physical force affects their shape by shaking them vigorously in a container.

Challengers are working hard researching, writing, and creating their final projects for our informational writing unit. I look forward to hearing more of their presentations after break.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week off!


February Photos

February has been a busy month. Technology hour, World Read Aloud with Mrs. Klingbeil, Research & Writing, Investigating Stream Tables, and Monster Valentines.

Due to our zig zag schedule this week and next (snow day, NAEP testing on Monday, and various end of trimester assessments,) we will be extending this week’s spelling practice to next week. Students will be taking their spelling tests next Friday.

A special thank you to our class photographer Anna. 🙂