Hot Wheels!

It has been a very busy week here at M.B.S.

Science- Challengers explored how slope, height, friction, and weight affect the movement of an object through our Hot wheels Labs this week.
Challengers also created and tested roller coaster designs through an online simulator.
Next week: We will discuss the different types of energy and Newton’s Laws of Motion. 

Math- Challengers completed our first math unit with a test on Thursday.
Challengers are making great progress with their multiplication practice. Many have advanced to the next level in Rocket Math during our skills time.

Reading- Challengers did a phenomenal job this week analyzing text. They practiced marking up two different types of text (a short story and a poem) focusing on character traits and setting.

Narrative Writing-  Challengers created characters for their narratives with a list of inside and outside character traits. They then took one of these traits to generate story ideas.



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